Emma Kehoe Talent Manager: Michele McGrath michele@84world.com
Emma Kehoe is a life coach and mindfulness teacher based in Dublin who's journey began two years ago. Prior to this she worked as a fashion buyer in the retail industry for 16 years. MEET EMMA KEHOE Meet Emma Kehoe
Emma Kehoe is a life coach and mindfulness teacher based in Dublin. Her journey transitioning into working in self development is only over the last two years. Emma worked as a fashion buyer and in the retail industry the last 16 years since she was 19 when she graduated from Art& Design College. The first time Emma tapped into her self development journey was when she went to see a kinesiologist after coming home from living in Australia for 2 years, she wanted more answers and to uncover more of herself. After a few years of this she went back to college and studied to be a Life coach in Neuroscience which was a side hustle and is now her career. Emma has always enjoyed helping people and giving back. During the pandemic Emma gave her focus to growing her life coaching business as she was going through a tough time mentally and emotionally. Helping others helped Emma start her own healing journey. From this she wanted to uncover more about herself and live more in the moment as her thoughts where either in the past or the future she wanted to learn to be more present. After reading Daniella Moyles book ‘Jump’ she was so inspired by her story, she came across Alison Canavan who was an Irish mindfulness teacher. Straight away Emma took this as a sign from the universe and signed up to another course to be a Mindfulness Teacher in Positive psychology and meditation.
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